iTMethods also offers Managed Services for Development Teams as part of our DevOps+ services. We enable your software teams to deliver results faster. No DevOps or AWS resources required.
An all-inclusive managed services program that enables your development teams with a suite of DevOps & AWS services 24/7.
How it Works
We work with your developers / architects to help ensure you leverage the full benefits of AWS & ongoing release of new capabilities.
Our DevOps team collaborates and deploys the right AWS infrastructure to support your applications and services.
CI/CD Build & Automation
Deploying applications quickly and reliably requires DevOps toolsets and automation tailored to your unique workflows.
Our AWS certified managed services teams keep your applications / AWS environments and CI/CD pipeline secure and running 24×7.
Continuous Evolution
Evolve your applications with the addition and integration of AWS features and services throughout the lifecycle of the DevOps+ program.